The ninth annual intercollegiate chess tournament, which took place at New York during the Christmas recess, resulted in a victory for Columbia, with Harvard and Princeton tied for second place and Yale last. This is the first time Harvard has lost since 1894 and it is the third time Columbia has won in the present series of intercollegiate tournaments. The highest individual scores were made by H. A. Keeler '03 and F. H. Sewall '02, of Columbia, and C. T. Rice '01, of Harvard.
The tournament was held at the Columbia Grammar School, 34 and 36 East 51st street, New York. Play began Thursday, Dec. 27, and lasted until Saturday, Dec. 29. On the first day Princeton took the lead by easily defeating Yale, while Harvard lost to Columbia by the close score of 2 1 2 to 1 1-2, no less than three of the games being drawn.
In the second day's play Columbia took first place by defeating Yale, and Harvard second place by defeating Princeton. Harvard's only chance at the opening of the third round was that Princeton should win two games from Columbia and that Harvard should defeat Yale. But Harvard lost to Yale and Princeton to Columbia, thus giving Columbia a lead of 2 1-2 points. The game between Sawin (Y) and Perry (H) in the final round is considered the most brilliant in the history of intercollegiate chess. Perry was forced to resign after no less than twenty four moves.
The results of the day's play and the points scored were as follows:
Thursday, Dec. 27.
Falk (C) drew with Perry (H), Sewall (C) drew with Rice (H), Schroeder (C) defeated Fotch (H), Keeler (C) drew with Clerk (H).
Hunt (P) defeated Sawin (Y), Henly (P) defeated Russ (Y), Weston (P) defeated Adams (Y), Ely (P) drew with Roberts (Y). Score--Princeton, 3 1 2; Columbia, 2 1-2; Harvard, 1 1-2; Yale, 1-2.
Friday. Dec. 28.
Falk (C) defeated Sawin (Y), Sewall (C) defeated Russ (Y), Adams (Y) defeated Schroeder (C), Keeler (C) defeated Roberts (Y).
Perry (H) defeated Hunt (P), Rice (H) defeated Henly (P) Fotch (H) defeated Weston (P), Ely (P) defeated Clerk (H). Score--Columbia, 6: Harvard, 4 1-2; Princeton, 4 1-2; Yale, 1.
Saturday, Dec. 29.
Falk (C) drew with Hunt (P), Sewall (C) defeated Henly (P), Weston (P) defeated Schroeder (C), Keeler (C) defeated Ely (P).
Sawin (Y) defeated Perry (H), Rice (H) defeated Russ (Y), Adams (Y) defeated Fotch (H), Clerk (H) drew with Roberts (Y). Score--Columbia, 8 1-2; Harvard, 6; Princeton, 6; Yale, 3 1-2.
The following players were selected to represent the American Universities in the international match with Oxford and Cambridge: Columbia, Falk and Sewall; Harvard, Perry and Rice; Princeton, Hunt; Yale, Sawin.
The full scores of the match are given below:
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