The Whist Club will hold its annual winter whist tournament about the first of next week, the exact date depending somewhat upon the number of entries which are received up to that time. The tournament will be open to all members of the University and blue books for entries have been placed at Leavitt's. The entry fee for each couple entering, will be 41.00.
Those entering will be divided into sections and the winners of each section will constitute the semi-final round. To the winning pair, cups will be awarded and the final make-up of the team to play Yale in April, will depend to a great extent, upon the individual showing in this tournament.
The whist club has a larger membership than usual this year. In addition to the weekly meetings, which have been held regularly since last October, a number of practice matches have been held with whist clubs from Boston and surrounding towns. To increase further interest in the weekly meetings of the club, cups have been given at the end of each month to the man holding the highest score. The first two cups were won by A. D. Wyman '01 and E. D. Fullerton 3L. At the end of the year a cup will also be given to the man having the best average record for the year.
The prospect of a fairly strong team this year is good, for in addition to the large number of new members five men on last year's team are now in college. These men are: M. Hyman 3L., captain, A. J. Halle 3L., E. D. Fullerton 3L., M. G. Beaman 2L., and A. R. Campbell 2L.
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