A memorial meeting, to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the appointment of John Marshall as first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme court, will be held in Sanders Theatre at 4 o'clock on February 4. Acting-president Walcott will preside, and Professor J. B. Thayer, of the Law School, will deliver an address on John Marshall's character and work, his position as a man and as a jurist. Admission to sanders Theatre will be by ticket.
Members of the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Harvard Law School Association may obtain tickets by application to the secretary of the Law School; the second balcony of the theatre will be reserved for students of the Law School. After 4 o'clock students of the University at large and the general public will be admitted.
The meeting in sanders Theatre is one of a great number that will be held by law schools and Bar Associations all over the country in honor of the appointment of the first and greatest of the American chief justices.
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