

Harvard and Yale Crews will Meet on June 27.--University Race at 6.30.

Captain A. S. Blagden and Manager A. H. Richardson of the Yale crew met H. Bullard '02 and C. H. Schweppe '02 on Saturday morning in Cambridge to arrange the details for the annual race at New London. The date chosen was Thursday, June 27. The first event will be the freshman crew race at 4 o'clock for two miles up stream from the railroad bridge to the Navy Yard. Immediately after, the University four oared crews will start from the Navy Yard and will race two miles up stream to the usual starting place, nearly opposite the Harvard quarters. The University eights will race at 6.30, down stream on account of the change of the tide.

The referee and other officials of the race were not decided upon, but will probably be chosen at a later meeting to be held at New Haven.
