

Yale Wins at New Haven, 41 to 16. Harvard Makes a Strong Finish.

The Harvard basketball team was defeated by Yale at New Haven Saturday by the score of 41 to 16 points. J. W. Gilles '02 acted as captain. Harvard's passing and team work was good, but Yale's superior defense broke it up. The Yale players were in every instance larger men and thereby had the advantage of getting the ball on the jump off and passing with less interference. On the offense Harvard was not sure of the goals, even when an opportunity was presented, owing to the long reach of her opponents. Harvard's defense was much stronger than was expected and at times was perfect. The best playing for Harvard was done by Fenwick, Lehmann and Gilles. G. H. Clark, who is a brother of J. K. Clark played the best game for Yale.

For the first eight minutes of the game neither side scored. Harvard then secured a foul but missed the goal. This was followed by a series of long shots by Yale and scoring by both teams. The half ended with the score 28 to 8 in Yale's favor.

The second half started with the teams closely matched until Yale scored by breaking through Harvard's defense. During the middle of this half the playing was in Yale's favor but Harvard made a very strong finish and caged the ball for the final goal. The summary is as follows: Yale.  Harvard. Hyatt, r.f.  l.g., Hanavan, Jennings. Clark, l.f. (Capt.)  r.g., Lehmann. Sharpe, c.  c., Fenwick. Lockwood, r.g.  l.f. Underwood. Rogers, l.f.  r.f., Gilles.

Goals -- Lockwood 2, Rogers 2, Clark 12, and one basket from a foul; Sharpe 3, Hyatt 2, Lehmann 2, Fenwick 3, Gilles 2, Underwood 1: Totals--Yale, 20 regular baskets and one from a foul; Harvard, 8 regular baskets. Referee -- J. K. Clark 2L. Umpires -- G. May, Yale M. S. and S. W. Dickson, Hartford Y. M. C. A. Timekeeper -- A. L. Griffths Yale '01. Time -- Twenty minute halves.
