

Rev. William G. Thayer of St. Mark's School will preach at Christ Church on Sunday morning.

Yale and the University of Pennsylvania will hold a dual gymnastic meet at Philadelphia on Feb. 22.

It has been estimated that during the year 1898-99 16,738,362 pupils were enrolled in the public and private schools and colleges of the United States.

The Harvard Yacht Club has been challenged to a race by the Yale Navy The challenge will come up for consideration and be answered on February 4.

The Peabody Museum has received a set of old Indian basketwork from Mr. Alfred M. Tozzer, a student in the anthropological department, who collected them among the Indians of North California. The baskets are made extremely carefully and are often the result of two or more years' work. The various designs in the straw are symbolic and show the coat of arms, as it were, of the family. Although unintelligible to the European eye, to the Indian they represent collections of arrow heads, tracks of various animals, quail crests and other significant symbols.
