Six members of the Faculty are on leave of absence this year-Professors Greenough, Goodale, James, B. O. Peirce, Bocher, and Mr. J. J. Hayes.
Professor Greenough, owing to ill-health, was unable to assume his duties at the beginning of the College year. Since that time his condition has not improved greatly, so that he will probably be unable to resume his work for some time; it is hoped, however, that he will have recovered sufficiently before next year to do so.
Professor Goodale is spending the year abroad with his family. He has passed the greater part of the time in Holland and Germany, inspecting museums of economic botany. For a number of years Professor Goodale has been especially interested in this branch of the science.
Professor James, concerning whose ill health so much has been said of late, is now travelling in Italy. His health has improved greatly since last year. He has been engaged in writing his Gifford lectures, to be delivered at Edinburgh and has already completed six of them.
Professor Peirce, who has been suffering from the effects of an attack of typhoid fever since last spring, was able to sail for England in the fall. He received some benefit from the trip, but is not yet well enough to make the journey to the south of Europe, which he has contemplated; he is still in England.
Until recently, Assistant Professor Bocher has been engaged in mathematical studies at Leipsie. He is now at the Riviera, but expects, before long, to travel through southern Europe Mr. Hayes is absent because of ill health.
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