
Professor Strobel is Counsel for Chile.

Professor Strobel leaves on Saturday for Washington where he will give a course of lectures before the School of Comparative Jurisprudence of Columbian University on French and Spanish law. While there he will argue two cases before the United States and Chilian Claims commission. This Commission was established under a treaty, ratified last year, to dispose of eighteen claims left unsettled by the Commission of 1893. The Commission is composed of Judge Gage of Michigan, appointed by the United States; the Chilian minister in Washington appointed by Chile; and the Swiss minister in Washington, appointed by the President of the Swiss Republic.

Of the eighteen claims to be decided by the Commission, sixteen are presented by the United States against Chile, amounting to between three and four million dollars, and two (one of which is the well known Itata case) amounting to about $250,000, are presented by Chile. Mr. Strobel is counsel for the Chilian government in all these cases.
