To the Editors of the Crimson:
I see that it is desired by the political managers that Harvard shall send on a delegation to attend the Inauguration at Washington on March 4, and that the newspapers are hinting that the delegation should be a large one, so that Harvard may outdo Yale and be assigned to the head of the procession. I cannot refrain from expressing the hope that Harvard will send no delegation, but will remain quietly at home and attend to her own affairs. Quite apart from political questions and whether one wishes to endorse the course of the government or not, it seems to an old Harvard man, like myself, entirely out of place for a great University to interrupt its work in order either to give some of its students a good time or to swell a political triumph. It is most important for a University to foster patriotism; but it will do this best by insisting that patriotism is to be identified with the good citizenship for which it is aiming to train its students, rather than with demonstration of the torch-light order. There may be left to others who have nothing better to do. The idea that victory over Yale would result from having a larger number of students present or in walking through the streets of Washington first, is a curious survival of Mediaevalism and of childishness, which, it is hoped, Harvard men have outgrown. I cannot but hope that Harvard may be spared so grave a loss of dignity as must come from her taking part in this parade. F. P. '69.
[From the reply of Chancellor McCracken, of New York University, to the Inaugural Committee's circular invitation]
"I am opposed to your movement for these reasons:
"1. The date is near the heart of the college year when the students should be doing their most earnest work.
"2. The tax that would send even a quarter of our 1800 students to Washington, would run up into thousands of dollars.
"3. Our 1800 young men can serve the United States of America far more effectively at less expense of time, muscle and money, than by merely appearing in an inaugural demonstration. I trust the universities in the country will continue to stand for a noble economy, of time, talent and money in the future as in the past and that the national government will be leavened by their influence."
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