A valuable addition has lately been made to the Gore Hall Library by the gift of a large portion of the private library of the late John Elbridge Hudson '62. Mr. Hudson was for several years a tutor in the College and was a close and constant students of the classics. During his tutorship he studied in the Law School and after graduating he practised law in Boston.
The gift was made by Mrs. Hudson as a memorial to her husband and includes about 321 volumes. A somewhat larger number of volumes not wanted by the Harvard Library on account of their being in the Library already was at the same time given to Radcliffe. A number of other volumes will be placed in the Classical Library, the Scientific School and other department libraries. Certain others have been laid aside for the library of the Harvard Union. These last comprise the works of about twenty authors on fishing, photography, hygiene, driving, whist, English sports, and physiology. The remainder of the books are, for the most part, on the ancient and modern classics, history, economics, hygiene, physiology biology, engineering, theology, chemistry, and oratory. There are several very old editions dating back as far as 1530, 1762, and 1792. The rarer editions of the classics which Mr. Hudson had collected, however, are retained by Mrs. Hudson.
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