

Labrador, Greenland and Iceland to be Visited by an Exploring Party.

A geological and geographical excursion in the North Atlantic is planned for the summer of 1901. Conditionally on the formation of a sufficiently large party, a steamer of about 1000 tons, specially adapted for ice navigation, and capable of accommodating 60 men will leave Boston on or about June 26 and return to the same point on or about September 20. The main object of the voyage will be to offer to the members of the excursion party opportunity of studying the volcanic cones and lava-fields, the geysers, ice-caves and glaciers of Iceland, the fiords and glaciers of the west coast of Greenland, and the mountains and fiords of Northern Labrador. Some attention will be paid to the hydrographic condition of the waters traversed. Botanists, zoologists, ornithologists, mineralogists, and those interested in other branches of natural history many pursue independent studies. A hunting party may take part in the expedition; it could be landed for a fortnight or three week in Greenland and for about the same period in Labrador.

Explanatory lectures on the regions visited will be given from time to time by the leader of the excursion, who will also act as guide on the Labrador coast where he spent the summer of 1900. It is expected that in Greenland and Iceland, specialists on the geology and physical geography of these countries will lead the party. Wherever possible the attempt will be made to increase the stock of existing information concerning the three regions. It is desirable, though not necessary, that applicants for membership in the party possess at least an elementary knowledge of geology. Citizens of other countries as well as of the United States are invited to participate in the expedition. A physician will accompany the party.

An inclusive fee of $500 for each member will be charged, $250 to be deposited with the leader of the expedition on or before March 15, the balance to be paid on or before June 1.

The trip will be under the direction of Dr. R. A. Daly of the Department of Geology and Geography, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Applications for membership should be addressed to him.
