
Checker Match With Brown.

The Checker Club has recently accepted a challenge from the Brown Checker Club to hold a dual match at Providence sometime during April. Each team will be composed of ten men, ranked according to their ability, who will play the corresponding men on the opposing team. The Harvard team will not be chosen until just before the match, and this will give every man in the club a chance to win a place. The ten best men as they are ranked at present are: Guggenheimer, Mills, Merritt, Field Clerck, Knot, Crawley, Boynton, Todd, Haigh. Each man has the right to challenge the man above him for his place, and any member of the club may challenge the tenth man.

The recent club tournament was won by C. M. Guggenheimer 2L.; second, E W. Mills '02; third, E. W. Merritt '04.

The team won its last match, with the Boston Y. M. C. A. by a score of 14 to 6.
