
Statistics in Regard to College Education.

From recent investigations carried on by the National Board of Education, it bas been found that one out of every forty college graduates now living has attained recognized distinction of some sort in the country; and that one in every ten thousand, who have not received the benefit of higher education, has attained similar success. The classification of 15,138 conspicuous Americans whose names appear in Appleton's Encyclopaedia of American Biography shows the following result: College Graduates.  From Academies.  Non College  Percentage of College Men. Scientists,  341  25  164  64.30 Educators,  625  42  345  61.76 Clergymen,  1505  59  1080  56.92 Lawyers,  841  68  769  50.12 Physicians,  427  36  449  46.82 Authors,  415  39  668  36.99 Statesmen,  464  65  811  34.63 Journalists,  96  11  206  30.67 Public men,  145  15  605  18.95 Philanthropists,  29  6  145  16.11 Business Men,  171  60  884  15.34 Soldiers,  252  436  1264  12.91 Inventors,  19  3  144  11.45 Actors,  4  4  99  3.75 Explores,  9  7  233  361 Navy,  15  34  466  291
