Below is given a list various gifts to the University received during the past year. This statement does not represent the total of the donations as certain items have not yet been made public. Mrs. Henry Draper (on account of Draper Memorial), $9,999.99 John Simpkins, 20,000.00 Harvard Club of New York (new boat house) 25,000.00 Anonymous (for use of Botanical Garden), 3,000.00 Miss Marian C. Jackson (towards the salary of are instructor in the History and Art of Teaching), 1,625.00 Messers. Storey and Putnam, trustees, (payment towards certain salaries in the Medical School), 1,000.00 Society for Promoting Agriculture,(for expenses at Arnold Arboretum), 2,500.00 Society for Promoting Theological Education, (for purchase of books for the Divinity School), 3,535.00 Mrs. N. E. Baylies (for Peabody Museum), 25.00 Subscriptions to Germanic Museum), 1,728.00 Charles L. Noyes, 5.00 Dr. W. S. Bigelow (towards the salary of Dr, Alfred Schaper), 100.00 G. C. Travis, (repayment of money received from the College while an undergraduate), 500.00 J. Randolph Coolidge, (for purchase of books on Turkey and the Eastern Question), 3,000.00 Charles Peabody, (for purchase of Babylonian seals), 100.00 Dr. W. H. Potter, 5.00 Augustus Hemenway, (towards salary of an assistant in the Peabody Museum), 150.00 John C. Ropes, (towards salary of an assistant in the Peabody Museum), 100.00 C. R. Simpkins, (for fitting up a room for instruction in Mining and Engineering), 10,000.00 Mrs. Ruth Simpkins 'Thayer, (for fitting up a room for instruction in Mining and Engineering), 5,000.00 Will of William Hilton, 5,053.67 Mrs. Charles F. Washburn (to found the Phillips Washburn Prize). 2,000.00 Anonymous, (for the general use of the College), 200.00 Anonymous, (for use of Betanic Garden), 320.00 Henry C. Pierce, (towards the Surgical Laboratory Fund, David P. Kimball, 1,000.00 Thornton K. Lathrop, (for purchase of a collection of prize poems), 82.10 Andrew Ingraham, 5.00 Alexander Wheelock Thayer,(Bequest), 7.758.30 Charles S. Minot (towards a salary in the Medical School), 200.00 Mrs. Emil C. Hammer, (towards the purchase of Scandinavian books and a lecture on Scandinavian subjects), 500.00 H. H. Hunnewell, (for use at Botanic Garden), 2,000.00 Deutscher Verein (for purchase of books for the German Department), 50.00 George E. Ellis (residuary bequest), 195.00 Jacob H. Schiff (for erection of a Semitic Building), 50,000.00 James Stillman (for erection and endowment of an Infirmary), 100,000.00 Anonymous (for purchase of microscope for the Medical School), 325.00 Alfred T. White (for the Social Question Library), 250.00 Through Professor B. L. Robinson (from a friend for use of the Gray Herbarium), 1,000.00 Anonymous (towards a building fund for Dental School), 500.00 E. F. Williams, 100.00 Joseph Lee (for Henry Lee Fellowship fund), 25,000.00 Through Professor E. S. Sheldon (credit of Library of Romance Languages), 67.44 Mrs. C. M. Barnard (Warren H. Cudworth Scholarships), 600.00 Anonymous, 6.30 Estate of Robert C. Billings, 85,000.00 Estate of Henry L. Pierce, 15,000.00 Benjamin E. Cotting (proceeds of life policy to establish the "Cotting Gift" in the Medical School), 3,029.59 J. Randolph Coolidge (towards purchase of Riant collection), 2,000.00 Anonymous (to be used for original physical research), 250.00 J. J. Storrow and F. P. Fish (to purchase boiler and engine for steam launch for the benefit of the Department of Engineering), 550.00 J. H. Gardiner (to be added to Francis James Child Memorial Fund),60.00 E. J. Wendell (toward furnishing Brooks House), 50.00 Henry L. Higginson (deficit of Chamber Concerts), 552.90 James A. Lowell, Edward W. Grew, Julian L. Coolidge, Randolph C. Grew (South End Fellowship), 400.00 George P. Gardner, 250.00 Charles Fairchild (new lantern for Geological Department), 250.00 A. C. Coolidge (credited to Library income), 41.00 Members of Government 6 (for purchase of books) 650.00 Percy L. Atherton (for benefit of Music Department), 40.00 N. C. Nash (for botanical lectures in Spanish for Cuban teachers), 400.00 Anonymous (for use at Botanic Gardenn), 1,000.00 Miss E. R. Swift (proceeds of life policy to establish Swift Scholarship), 1,000.00 Bequest of John Holmes (for benefit of poor students), 286.23 Charles C. Storrow, 22.10 Frederick K. Comee (for expenses of Chamber Concerts), 50.00Mrs. Elizabeth P. Shattuck (to be added to Henry Lee Professorship), 25,000.00Oakes Ames (for improvements at Botanic Garden), 350.00Proceeds of a performance of Goethe's Iphigenia (towards fund for a Germanic Museum), 892.33Miss Abby A. Bradley (to be added to income of William L. Bradley Fund), 400.00Clarence B. Moore (towards salary of an assistant in the Peabody Museum), 500.00Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw (for instruction in kindergarten work for Cuban teachers), 500.00Anonymous (to complete telescope), 691.36Charles Peabody (special fund for Music 7), 40.00Frederick S. Converse (special fund for Music 7), 20.00A. C. Coolidge (for purchase of books), 59.65John Harvey Trent (for expense of the Portion of Riant Library devoted to theology and hagiography), 800.00Alexander Agassiz (for changes and improvements at the new boat house), 6,145.00J. K. Paine (for purchase of books and expenses of chamber Concerts), 17.97Theobald Smith. (for research in Laboratory of Comparative Pathology), 25.00Mr. Alexander Agassiz, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Adams, Mrs. Henry L. Higginson (for completion of University Museum), 100,000.00Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw (for instruction in Sloyd for the Cuban teachers). 400.00Total, 531,519.9