Preparations for the production of "Minna von Barnbelm" are being made by a joint committee from the German Department and the Deutscher Verein. By the end of this week the proscenium will be in place and the stage will be ready for the performance. The scenery is being arranged by Mr. A. P. Keith '02 chairman of the stage committee, and will come from Keith's theatre in Boston.
Various arrangements are being made for the safety and convenience of those who attend the play. It has been decided to have special fire escapes built for the first gallery. To keep out the draughts which have been very annoying near the entrances large curtains will be placed on the doors at either side of the theatre, on the first floor. A coat room will be provided in Memorial Hall. The College has bought all the second balcony and the public at large has applied for almost all the remaining seats. The programmes will be printed this week and will contain a synopsis of the play. Mr. Conried will bring a party of twenty with him and will arrive the day before the performance.
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