By a recent vote of the New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools, President Eliot was authorized to investigate and report on the advisability of adopting a uniform entrance examination board, similar to that now existing in the Middle States. If the committee decides in favor of this plan, it is also to suggest a method of organization.
The following persons have been appointed upon the committee: Chairman, Frank A. Hill, Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education; from the colleges President, Arthur T. Hadley, L.L.D. '99, of Yale; President L. Clark Seelye, of Smith College; Professor William MacDonald of Bowdoin; Professor Edwin H. Hall; Miss Mary Coes, secretary of Radcliffe College; from the preparatory schools -- Mr. George H. Browne '78, of the Browne and Nichols School; Dr. Robert P. Keep of Norwich Academy, Connecticut; Mr. Eugene D. Russell '80 of the Lynn Classical School; Mr. Harlan P. Amen '79, of Phillips Exeter Academy; Mr. Howard M. Rice of the University School, Providence, Rhode Island.
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