
The Abolition Movement.

A course of five lectures on "The Abolition Movement" will be given in North Cambridge, on Wednesday evenings in January, February and March, under the auspices of the New England Education League, and of several of the North Cambridge churches and the Cantabrigia and Newtowne Clubs. Half of the proceeds from these lectures will be sent on play-grounds in North Cambridge.

The dates and places of the lectures are as follows:

Jan. 16.--"John Brown," by Frank B. Sanborn. North Avenue Baptist Church.

Jan. 30.--"The Abolition Movement in Peace and War," by Thomas Wentworth Higginson '41. First Universalist Church.

Feb. 13.--"Old Plymouth and Anti-Slavery Reminiscenes," by Mrs. Abby Morton Diaz. Newtowne Club.


Feb. 27.--"Boston Anti-Slavery Days" by William Lloyd Garrison. North Avenue Congregational Church.

March 13.--"The Abolitionists, the Slaveholders and the Slave," by William Garrott Brown '91. First Universalist Church.

Tickets for the whole course at $1.00 and tickets for single lectures at 25 cents each are on sale at Thurston's, Amee's and Brigg's.
