
Preparations for Rowing.

During the summer the equipment of the Weld Boat Club has been put in good condition in preparation for the fall rowing. All the single shells have been overhauled, and wherever it was necessary, have been thoroughly repaired. Eight pairs of new single oars have been ordered from Donahue of Newburg, the maker of cars for the University crews, and they will arrive in time for the rowing on Monday. Two sets of sweeps for eight-oared crews have also been orderd. Besides a new eight-oared barge, built by Davy, which will be completed this week, two of the old eightoared shells which were in bad condition have been fixed up, and are ready for use.

The old float now in the water is practically useless, and it will be replaced by one of the floats from the old University Boat House about October 10th, when the old boat house will be abandoned for the new one. Two new runways have been constructed, having the trusses below instead of above the planking, and thereby enabling the crews to carry shells down to the float more easily. The Weld launch "Veritas" will not be in commission this fall, but the "John Harvard" will be at the service of both clubs.
