

The Eleven Plays Wesleyan Today at 3 O'Clock.

The football team will play its first game of the season with Wesleyan on Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock this afternoon. After only two weeks practice with such a large squad, it is very difficult and hardly desirable to put the strongest combination of men in the field. The team has, however, learned the elementary points of the game, and in the last few days of scrub practice, has formed fast and close interference. Practically the same men have played on the first eleven since Wednesday and should therefore have developed some team play. Wesleyan, on the other hand, has not had the difficulty of forming an eleven from new material, as eight men of last year's team have returned to college.

The following men will play on the Harvard team in the game: Hallowell, Hawkins, r.e.; J. Lawrence, Graydon, r.t.; Barnard, Riggs, r.g.;. Sargent, Sugden, c.; Lee, Hollingsworth, l.g. Blagden, Knowlton l.t.; Campbell, Bowditch, l.e.; Daly, Sherlocke, q.b.; E. Kendall, Gierasch, r.h.b; Kernan, Sawin, l.h.b.; I. kendall, Stillman, f.b.
