
Addition to the Mining Laboratory.

At the east end of the Rotch building on Holmes Field a one-story brick addition is being built, which will be used as a laboratory for the Mining and Metallurgy Department. The building will be a brick shell with a flat roof and will have a smoke-stack 50 feet high. It will be 79 feet long and 40 feet wide. The southern half will be fitted u with appliances for fire-work and will also have the new assay furnaces. In the northern half there will be a Reverberatory roasting furnace, a cupola furnace and a Bruckner revolving roaster, besides some gas furnaces and melting furnaces for illustrating the metallurgy of steel.

The outside shell will probably not be finished before Christmas. Mr. O. W. Longfellow is the architect and O. B. Burns the builder.

The machinery and fittings for the ore dressing laboratory in the old Rotch Building have arrived and will be put in as soon as possible.
