
Sale of Class Day Tickets.

Single tickets will be sold to Seniors from the windows of Grays 3 today between 1.30 and 3.30. The prices will be: Memorial tickets, 75 cents; Statue tickets, 85 cents; Sanders tickets, $1.50; Yard tickets, 10 cents. No more $9.25 packages will be sold. However, packages of four Yard and four Memorial tickets will be sold for $3.50 each to graduating members of other departments of the University. No packages will be sold by proxy.

A few six-seat tables for the Senior Spread will be sold at this sale to Seniors at the regular price, $8.00; single invitations may be bought for $2.00 each. Seniors who purchased tickets at the regular sales, but received no dance orders for themselves may get them by applying at this sale. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
