

Harvard Inferior in Pitching and Batting.--The Score 15 to 5.

The University nine lost the first game of the Yale series yesterday afternoon through Yale's great superiority in pitching and batting. Both teams fielded poorly. Harvard was especially weak in this respect, making five errors and a number of mistakes in judgment which proved very costly. Harvard made only seven hits and was unable to bunch them, except in the third inning, while Yale batted hard and in the first, sixth and seventh innings bunched thirteen hits. Several of Yale's hits were scratches and might have been stopped by last fielding. Yale took the lead at the start and was never headed, but the game was closely contested for the first five innings. After this Harvard went to pieces and Yale batted hard, clinching the game in the sixth and seventh.

Stillman was hit hard in the first inning and, after pitching well for three innings, weakened again and was relieved by Kernan in the sixth. Kernan was still less successful, al owing seven hits and giving seven bases on balls in two innings. MacDonald allowed but one hit in each of the last two innings. The out-fielders were very weak in covering ground, and Devens and Stillman each muffed a fly. In the infield Coolidge and Fincke played well, but Clark made several mistakes in judgment, which were as bad as errors. For Yale Quinby played the best game, accepting eight chances at second without an error and hitting safely four times. Cook did the best batting, making four hits with a total of nine bases. Robertson pitched in splendid form, and did not allow Harvard a single earned run.

The game in detail:

First inning -- Quinby beat out an infield hit and took second on Camp's out. Cook hit to right field for three bases, scoring Quinby. Sharpe struck out. Sullivan went to first on balls and stole second. Guernsey's single to center brought in both runners. Hirsh and Barnwell hit safely. Stillman took the throw to catch Guernsey and threw wild to the plate, allowing Guernsey to score and Hirsh to take third. Barnwell was caught attempting to take second on the play. For Harvard Kendall flied to Camp, and Coolidge and Wendell struck out. Score, Yale 4, Harvard 0.

Second inning.--Robertson took first on balls and Quinby bunted safely. Camp's sacrifice advanced the runners to second and third. Devens muffed Cook's fly and Robertson scored. Sharpe flied to Devens and Sullivan ended the inning by forcing Cook at second. Reid got a base on balls, but Devens flied to Sullivan and Quinby made a double play by catching Fincke's liner. Score, Yale 5, Harvard 0.


Third inning.--Guernsey, Hirsh and Barnwell went out on infield hits. George flied to Cook, Clark reached first on Camp's error, and second on Stillman's single. Kendall hit to Robertson who fielded the ball to third. Guernsey missed the throw and Clark to catch Kendall at and allowed him to score. Yale 5, Harvard 3.

In the fourth inning, Robertson, Quinby and Camp went out in order. For Harvard, George scored on two hits, a hit by pitched ball, and a base on balls. Score, Yale 5, Harvard 4.

In the fifth Cook made a home run and Sullivan scored on Hirsh's long hit. Reid scored on a hit and a wild throw. Yale 7, Harvard 5.

Barnwell scored in the sixth on two hits, a bunt and a fly. Robertson and Quinby also came home on Sullivan's grounder through Coolidge. Stillman, Kendall and Coolidge were put out. Yale 10, Harvard 5.

Robertson and Quinby came home in the seventh on two hits, a base on balls, and a passed ball. Cook scored on a wild throw and Sharpe and Sullivan reached home shortly after. Harvard was retired without scoring. MacDonald took Kernan's place. Yale 15, Harvard 5.

Reid was relieved by Milne in the eighth inning. Neither side scored, MacDonald proving unexpectedly steady. In the last inning also both sides were retired without making any more runs. Final score, Yale 15, Harvard 5.

YALE.  a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e.Quinby, 2b.  5  3  4  5  3  0Camp, s.s.  5  0  0  1  2  1Cook, l.f.  6  3  4  1  0  0Sharpe, 1b.  5  1  1  8  0  0Sullivan r.f.  4  3  1  1  0  0Guernsey, 3b.  5  1  2  1  3  1Hirsh, c.  5  0  3  0  0  1Barnwell, c.f.  3  1  1  1  0  0Robertson, p.  4  3  2  0  2  1Totals,  42  15  18  27  10  4HARVARD.  a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e.Kendall, 1b.  4  1  1  7  0  0Coolidge, s.s.  4  0  1  3  2  1Wendell, r.f.  4  0  1  0  0  0Reid, c.  3  1  1  4  2  1Miine, c.  1  0  0  1  1  0Devens, l.f.  4  0  0  4  0  1Fincke, 2b.  4  0  1  6  1  0George, c.f.  3  1  1  0  0  0Kernan, p.  0  0  0  0  0  0MacDonald, p.  1  0  0  0  0  0G. C. Clark, 3b.  3  1  0  1  1  0Stillman, p., c.f.  4  1  1  1  3  2Totals,  35  5  7  27  10  

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