The programme for the promenade concert at Mechanics Hall, tonight, will be as follows: 1. March, "King Karl," Unrath. 2. Overture, "Masaniello," Auber. 3. Waltz, "Freut euch des Lebens," Strauss. 4. Selection, "Brigands," Offenbach. 5. Intr duction to Act III and Dance of Apprentices from "Die Meisters nger," Wagner. 6. Aubade Printaniere, Lacome. 7. Traumerei, Schumann. 8. Two Dances from "Feramors," Rubinstein. 9. a. Bagatelle, Johnson. b. March, "Black Bess," Strube. 10. Gavotte, "Stephanie," Czibulka. 11. Polka Mazourka, "Unparteische Kritik," Strauss. 12. March, "Liberty Bell," Sousa.