
Letter From Mr. Storrow.

NEW LONDON, Wednesday, June 20.--Since our arrival here last Thursday the weather has been remarkably fine, cool and bright and the men all show the good effect of it in their condition. The 'Varsity has been over the full four miles twice under good conditions and the time made was fairly satisfactory. The crew also seem better able to hold their form than they were in Cambridge. However, they will need all the improvement they can possibly make before the race as Yale is undoubtedly faster than last year, having made very fast time here on Monday when they went the four miles in 20m. 25s. to 20m. 30s. which is faster time than we have been able make also been doing considerable work in which the Freshmen seem to be nearly as fast. The Freshman four had an impromptu race with the Yale freshman four and beat them by two lengths in one third of a mile. The Freshman eight are not pretty to look at, not nearly so uniform and regular as the Yale freshmen, but there are good men in the crew and they may yet show speed. They are not at all pleased with their new boat, which seems very weak and sags badly in the waist. Very likely they will use last year's 'Varsity boat in the race.
