The following arrangement of courses for the Cuban Summer School has been made:
English.--The English department will be under the direction of Professor E. C. Hills of Rollins College, Florida, who will have under him forty teachers. There will be two recitations a day for classes of thirty-five. The hours will be 8.30 to 9.12 and 11.30 to 12.
American History.--A course of eighteen illustrated lectures in Spanish will be given by Professor Marcou of Harvard and Dr. J. D. M. Ford of Harvard. There will also be a course of ten lectures illustrated by lantern slides, on the history of Spanish colonies in North and South America by Mr. Gaspard de Coligny.
Psychology.--Two lectures written by Professor Josiah Royce of Harvard, on Child Psychology, will be read by an interpreter in Spanish.
Education.--There will be two lectures on "Organization and Management of American Schools," by Mr. E. L. Morse, principal of the Phil Sheridan school, Chicago. These will be illustrated by slides from pictures taken in the Chicago schools.
Physiography.--There will be a course of eighteen lectures by Mark S. W. Jefferson of the Brockton high school, illustrated by lecturs and excursions to points of interest.
Kindergartening.--Miss Laura Fisher and several assistants will give eight lessons in Kindergartening, for women.
American Sloyd will be given by Mr. Larseon of the North Bennett school, Boston, to men only.
Free Libraries.--Two lectures, illustrated by lantern slides, will be given on this subject by Mr. W. C. Lane.
All the above lectures will be in Spanish.
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Funeral of Dean Everett.