
The June Graduates' Magazine.

The leading article in the June number of the Graduates' Magazine is a life of George Franklin Dunbar by President Eliot. It is a brief but suggestive picture of Professor Dunbar's career, personal life, and nature, by one who knew him as few others did, and is the most interesting biography of him that has yet appeared. A portrait of Professor Dunbar appears as the frontispiece.

Some of the other articles will be good reading to those specially in-in the subjects, but none are of an exceptional nature or of general importance. The most significant is "An Opportunity," by W. G. Brown '91, a very readable plea for a higher form of teaching, to be provided by the future occupant of the recently founded Dorman B. Eaton Professorship of Government. The writer points out that the terms of Mr. Eaton's bequest provide not merely for a new chair, but for a new sort of chair. The broader, less academic, more human teaching that Mr. Eaton hoped for will be an innovation, and if the right man be found, will be a great step in advance. The other special articles are sufficiently explained by their titles,--"The Harvard Meleager," by R. Norton '92; "The Harvard Law Clubs," by J. P. Cotton, Jr., '96; "What The Associated Clubs Have Done," by F. H. Gade '93; and "The Coming of the Cuban Teachers" by the editor.
