

The University of California has voted the erection of a white marble gymnasium to cost $2,000,000.

The exemptions of Yale University real estate made by the New Haven Board of Assessors amount to $6,736,000.

The Yale golf championship has been won by C. Hitchcock '03, who defeated P. D. Cheney '01, 5 up and 4 to play.

W. J. Ehrich '01, has been elected captain of the Yale bicycle team for next year in place of E. A. Strong, resigned.

A new Yale fence, the gift of W. P. Eno, Yale '82, will be built this summer. Part of it will be on new ground, extending south of the old fence.


The annual election of officers of the Yale University Baseball Association resulted as follows: President, E. L. Eliason '01; vice-president, C. P. Cook '01; assistant manager, H. Satterlee 02; secretary, G. W. Noyes '02.

Mr. C. V. Cusachs, instructor in Spanish and French, has been appointed Professor of Spanish at the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. The position was offered in a competitive examination.

The Freshman Musical Clubs have given the Freshman crew management the sum of 8150 as a result of the concerts given this spring. This amount is the largest ever made by any Freshman concerts.
