
Tickets for the Yale Game and the Race.

Reserved seat tickets for the first Harvard-Yale baseball game, which will be played on Soldiers Field on June 21, are now on sale at Leavitt & Pierce's, Amee's, the Co-operative, and at Wright & Ditson's in Boston, The price is $1.00, but holders of Harvard Athletic Association tickets may obtain reserved seat tickets for fifty cents. It is probable that a few general admission tickets at 50 cents will soon be put on sale, but they are not yet available.

Graduates and members of the University who wish to see the Harvard-Yale boat race from the observation train, should make application to S. L. Fuller before 9 a. m., June 18, on blanks which may now be secured at Grays 19. The tickets are $2.50 apiece, and admit to a special Harvard car, although no seats are reserved by number.
