

One hundred and sixty pieces were submitted for the current Yale Lit.

Harvard admission examinations will be held this year at the Howe School, Lyman, Indiana.

The Yard concert by the musical clubs, advertised for tonight, has been indefinitely postponed.

Brown is planning to send D. C. Hall '01 to Paris to represent the college at the track games there this summer.

The four-oared shell which Davy is building for the University crew is completed except for the outriggers. Last year's four-oar will be use by the Freshman substitutes.


The University of Pennsylvania has ordered 10,000 copies of its annual catalogue to be printed in Spanish for circulation in South America, Mexico, Cuba and Porto Rico.

The Princeton football schedule includes twelve games. Of these four are against teams never played before--Stevens, Baltimore Medical, Syracuse, and Dartmouth. No games have been arranged with West Point or Carlisle.
