
Excursions for Cubans.

During the stay of the Cuban teachers in Cambridge a series of twelve geological excursions will be given for them; two in each week for six consecutive weeks. The fee for each will be $2.50. The arrangements are not yet complete, but the excursions will come in the following order: Medford, Prospect Park, Waverly, Beach Brook, Cambridge Clay Pits, North Quincy Tide Marsh, Almshouse Quarry, Hobbs Brook, Riverside Terraces, Nantasket, Clifton, Arlington Heights, Melrose. In addition to these excursions visits will be made once a week to large industrial firms in the neighborhood of Boston, and so far arrangements have been made for inspections of Ginn & Company, publishers, Curtis & Davis Soap Company, and the Youths' Companion Building.
