The Leiter Cup games yesterday resulted as follows: Barristers 7, Rounders 6; Dew Drops 8, Jumbos 6; Fussers 2, Dropped Eggs 1; Boiler Makers 19, Lobsters 12.
Of the six teams' which are still in the contest the Dew Drops and Barristers have undoubtedly the strongest nines. The Dew Drops play a fair all-around game and their battery is very good. The Barristers, a nine made up of Law School men, are strong hitters but their poor fielding will count against them in later games. The Zazas, a team of Freshmen, are playing a steady game, but are scarcely strong enough to win the series. The Fussers and Boiler Makers have shown good form at times, but several inexperienced players mar the work of both teams. The Little Ministers have as yet had no trial of their strength, and their chances are in doubt.
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