
Northfield Student Conference.

The plans which have been made this year for the fifteenth annual Northfield Student Conference, to be held from June 29 to July 8, give promise of an unusually attractive programme. The Harvard delegation will be much larger than that of last year, consisting of about twenty men instead of ten or twelve. The following speakers will be present this year, in addition to others not yet secured: Mr. Robert E. Speer, New York; Rev. C. E. Jefferson, D.D., New York; Bishop J. H. Vincent, D.D.; Rev. Wm. R. Richards, D.D., New Jersey; Professor Dyson Hague, M.A., Wycliffe College, Toronto; Rev. R. A. Torrey, Chicago. The Missionary Institute, organized this year for the first time, will be directed by the executive committee of the Student Volunteer Movement, and its object will be to promote missionary interest among college undergraduates.

Aside from the more serious purposes of the Conference, ample facilities for recreation and exercise will be offered. These will include tennis, baseball, track athletics, and swimming. The total expense for attendance will be $17.00, including board, room, and registration fee.
