

The Race of the Graded EightS Won by the First Weld in 9 Min. 20 Sec.

The race of the graded club crews was won in 9m. 20s.,--record breaking time,--yesterday afternoon by the first Weld eight. The conditions for fast time were extremely favorable, as the wind was very light and a strong ebb tide was running. The time is one second better than the record made last spring by the Weld Freshman crew. The first Newell eight finished in second place, one-third of a length behind the first Weld. The second Newell was third, two lengths and a half behind the Newell first, and one length and a half ahead of the second Weld. The race was refereed by Mr. G. S. Mumford '87.

The start was delayed by a trifling accident to the seat of number six in the second Newell eight, but on the second attempt all the crews got fairly off. The first Newell had the best of the start and was closely followed by the second Newell, with the second Weld third. The first Weld made a very poor start. Bow and stern four did not appear to be rowing together and there was an absence of life and dash in the stroke. The men in the eight, however, were all rowing strongly, and after a quarter mile of the distance had been traversed the boat had moved up to second place. The second crews were rowing evenly, with a slight advantage for the second Newell. The first Weld eight was beginning to row in better time and form and was rapidly drawing up on the first Newell. The chief difference in the rowing of the two crews was in the finish of the stroke, which the Weld men were holding out much more strongly, getting a much firmer push at the end. On the other hand, the Newell stroke was very lively, and was rowed with a great deal of dash. Under Harvard Bridge the two first crews were even and each spurted for the lead. When they appeared on the farther side, the Weld eight was slightly in advance, and seemed to be going ahead fast. The Newell boat, however, fought pluckily, answering every spurt of the Weld, which drew away foot by foot and finished one third of a length ahead. The second crews gradually fell behind the others, and when they finished the second Newell was three lengths behind the leaders.

First Weld--Stroke, G. Bancroft; 7, Ladd; 6, H. Bancroft (capt.); 5, Wood; 4, Tilton; 3, Emory; 2, Evans; bow, DuBois; cox., Wadleigh.

First Newell -- Stroke, Higginson (capt.); 7, Biddle; 6, Sheafe; 5, J. Lawrence; 4, Fitzgerald; 3, McConnell; 2, Harding; bow, Goodell; cox., Howe.

Second Newell--Stroke, Brownell; 7, Blake (capt.); 6, Gale; 5, Henderson; 4, Bullard; 3, Swaim; 2, Cunningham; bow, Morris; cox., Jackson.


Second Weld--Stroke, Locke; 7, Martin; 6, Burton; 5, Colby; 4, Shuebruk; 3, Grew; 2, Holden; bow, Shepherd (capt).; cox., Goodwin.

All Newell men not on the University squad will be organized into three graded eights which will begin rowing on Friday. The order will appear in Friday's CRIMSON. A race will be arranged for these crews about May 30, and they will also be entered in the Metropolitan Regatta, June 17.
