The programme for the promenade concert at Mechanics' Hall, tonight, will be as follows: 1. March, "For the Country," Milloeker. 2. Waltz, "Waves of the Danube," Joanovici. 3. Overture, "Semiramide," Rossini. 4. Selection from "Robin Hood," De Koven. 5. Ballet Music from "Coppelia," Delibes. a. Dance of the Automatons. b. Waltz. c. Czardas. 6. Scene Religieuse, Massenet. 'Cello Solo, Mr. J. Keller. 7. Waltz, "Vienna Bonbons," Strauss. 8. Overture to "Piccolino," Guiraud. 9. Overture, to "The Mastersingers of Nuremberg," Wagner. 10. Gavotte, Gebbard. (First time). 11. Kosakenritt, Milloecker. 12. March, "Merry War," Strauss.
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Newell Rowing.