Monday, May 21.
Seminary of American History and Institutions. Education in Massachusetts in the 17th Century. Mr. J. C. S. Andrew.--The French Frontier Raids. Mr. W. B. Munroe. University 24, 3.30 p.m.
Seminary of Economics. The Economic Significance of the Hebrew Year of Jubilee. Mr. R. J. Sprague. University 23, 4.30 p.m.
**Modern Language Conference. Literature and Folk-lore of the Spanish Jews. Mr. W. Milwitzky.--The Word "Lay." Mr. W. W. Newell. Warren House, second floor, 8 p.m.
**Seminary of Classical Philology. Certain Problems of Roman Agrarian History. Mr. D. T. Clark.--The Festival of the Dipolia. Mr. W. G. G. Cole. Harvard 3, 8 p.m.
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