
Sale of Class Day Tickets.

The sale of Class Day tickets to members of the Senior class will be held at Grays 3 from 1.30-3.30 on the afternoons of Friday, Saturday and Monday, June 1, 2 and 4. On Friday and Saturday afternoons tickets will be sold in packages and to Seniors only. These packages will be sold by lot, each package corresponding to a number to be drawn by the Senior making the purchase. This method will avoid the necessity of a long line-up, and will give every man an equal chance for good tickets irrespective of the time when they are purchased.

The packages will contain two Sanders, eight Statue and ten Memorial tickets and will cost $9.25. At the third sale no packages will be sold to Seniors. At this sale packages of four Memorial and four Yard tickets will be sold for $3.50 each, to graduating members of other departments of the University.

Attention is called to the following regulations: First, no checks will be received; second, no tickets can be bought by proxy: third, no packages will be sold to Seniors after 3.30 o'clock Saturday, June 2.


Tickets will be sold to Class Day officers from the windows of Grays 3, on Friday, June 1, from 12 to 1. Class Day Committee.
