
Freshmen Defeat M. I. T. 1902.

The Freshman nine defeated M. I. T. '02 yesterday afternoon 16 to 2. The freshmen outplayed their opponents from the start and the game was never in danger. Their batting was a great improvement over that in previous games, and with the exception of a few blunders in base-running the nine played a good, steady game. As usual, Clarkson pitched in good form, and besides made three hits, one a three-bagger. The rest of the team showed great improvement except Marean who is still very weak in throwing to bases. Daly and Lancy were tried for a few innings at second base and shortstop, but neither of them did very well.

The score by innings is as follows: Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  runs.  b.h.  e. Freshmen,  1  2  2  7  1  0  3  *  16  11  3 M. I. T. '02,  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  1  2  3  15

Batteries--Clarkson, Marean and Van Amringe; Pond and Gannett
