

At the last meeting of the Shakespeare Club, J. LaFarge '01, R. H. Dana, Jr., '01, J. A. Dix '02, and J. B. Trevor '02 were elected members.

Arrangements have been made for housing 701 of the Cuban women in private houses in Cambridge. Applications will still be received by C. C. Mann at 19 Grays until arrangements are completed for the entire 900.

The first Yard concert by the Band will be given on Thursday, May 24. G. F. Furlong '00 has resigned from the position of leader and G. Marsh '01 has been appointed in his place.

Following are the officers of the Boylston Chemical Club for next year: President, A. H. Fiske '01; vice-president, R. P. Ells '01; secretary, J. A. Gibson '02; treasurer, G. E. Behr, Jr., '01; fifth member of executive committee, W. G. Waltt '00.
