The programme for the promenade concert at Mechanics' Hall, tonight, will be as follows: 1. Hungarian March, Berlioz. 2. Overture to "Merry Wives of Windsor," Nicolai. 3. Waltz, "Freut euch des Lebens," Strauss. 4. Selection from "La Viandiere," (First time). B. Godard. 5. Ballet Music from "Queen of Sheba," Goldmark. 'Cello obligato, Mr. J. Keller. 6. Idyl, "Forget-me-not," (First time). Oehme. 7. Waltz, "Pres de Toi," Waldteufel. 8. March Des Batteurs, from "Xaviere" (First time). Duboi. 9. Overture, "Light Cavalry," Suppe. 10. Largo, Handel. Violin solo, Mr. Otto Roth. 11. Polka, "Tic-Tac," Strob. 12. March from "The Trial Kiss," Milloeckel.