

Miss Catherine W. Fancon of Milton, whose brother played on the '74 University eleven, has sent to the Trophy Room the football used in the game with McGill University in '74, also photographs of the games with McGill in '75 and '78.

The Radcliffe commencement exercises will be held in Sanders Theatre on Tuesday, June 26, at half-past four. The programme, although it is not yet definitely settled, will be similar to those of former years. The diplomas will be awarded by Mrs. Agassiz.

Cornell will soon have a boat club similar to the Newell or the Weld if the present plans are carried out successfully. The university formerly had clubs of this sort before the organization of the Cornell Navy, and the men most interested in Cornell rowing are behind this recent movement. The two Harvard clubs have been consulted and the plan is meeting with great enthusiasm.

The mineralogical department in charge of Mr. C. Palache has lately received several valuable sets of specimens, chief among them being a case sent by Professor Wolff who is travelling in Germany. This comprises specimens for the Museum as well as collections for study and a complete set of sections of minerals for the study of optical properties. A set of models for illustrating those qualities was also among the collection.
