
Letter from South Africa.

The following letter has been receive from South Africa:-- BLOEMFONTEIN, March 26, 1900.


I thought you might be pleased, or at all events interested, to learn that at least one Harvard man is fighting with the British out here. Your humble servant belongs to the first Canadian contingent and has seen considerable scrapping so far with Steyn and Oom Paul's legions, but thus far has been unhurt, I must try to attend my next class dinner (D. V.) and compare notes with my classmates who have fought the Spaniards and Filipinos. You ought to see me now in tattered, soiled khaki uniform, nearly as brown as a Negro and as tough as a hickory nut. But so far old Harvard, as represented by myself, has not missed a drill or march or fight the regiment has been in.   Faithfully yours,   ARTHUR J. B. MELLISH '92.
