
Yale and Princeton Baseball.

Since returning from the southern trip the Yale baseball team has played three games, defeating Holy Cross by 4 to 3 Amherst by 15 to 6 and Wesleyan by 2 to 0. Yale's batting was weak in all three games, and the fielding indifferent, except in the Wesleyan game, which Yale played without an error. The infield does not play well together, and has trouble in handling pop flies and bunt hits. Sharpe at first is steadily improving, and Quinby makes few misplays at second, but does not cover enough ground. Camp and Brown, at short and third, play brilliantly though somewhat erratically. The outfield has shown considerable improvement, and the men are learning to cover more ground. In the last two games the experiment was tried of playing Sullivan in the outfield and Cunha behind the bat in order to add a strong hitter to the team. The best batting during the week was done by Quinby, Sharpe, Sullivan and Cunha. Garvan pitched nine innings against Holy Cross and held his opponents down to five seattered hits. Robertson did not allow Holy Cross to score in the four extra innings. Against Amherst McKelvy pitched well except in one inning. Robertson pitched a wonderful game against Wesleyan, allowing but twenty-seven men to come to the bat in nine innings. Only two men reached first, and they were immediately retired by double plays.

Since the southern trip Princeton has won three games by heavy hitting and effective pitching. Columbia was beaten 11 to 2, Lehigh 20 to 0, and Lafayette 16 to 0. Hillebrand and Scott are both pitching remarkably well. In all three games the fielding was fair and the batting was very strong. Meier, Hutchings and Watkins have been doing the best batting.
