The football game yesterday afternoon was won by Daly's team by the score of 6-0. The punting of Sawin and Daly was good, but the rushing was not very satisfactory, and the line men were less aggressive than on Tuesday. There was very little fumbling throughout the game. The best playing in Sargent's team was done by Gierasch, and Sherlock, and in Daly's by Daly, Sawin, Pruyn, and Whitney. W. A. M. Burden '00 watched the practice and coached the men in blocking and charging.
The only touchdown was made by Daly, after a fifty yard run. Sawin kicked the goal. The line-up was as follows: Twelve minute halves. Referee, I. W. Kendall '01. Umpire, L. R. Chapman 1L. Timekeeper, H. Blythe '01.
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Freshmen Defeated.