
Harvard Fencers Won

The report of the intercollegiate fencing tournament given in yesterday's CRIMSON was taken from an account sent out early Saturday evening and was not final. There were 90 bouts and the last match was not finished until after one o'clock in the morning. Harvard won the team honors by a single bout from the United States Naval Academy, the points being 23 to 22 respectively. Cornell and Columbia followed close behind in the order named with 21 and 20 points. Yale secured only four points.

The Harvard team was composed of M. D. de Diaz '99, H. Clapp 1 Dn., F. W. Hitchings '01. The Harvard men won the match under great difficulties, as de Diaz and Clapp sprained their wrists in the afternoon so badly that they were compelled to have the foils strapped to their hands during the evening. The team trophy will be returned to its place in the Trophy Room for the coming year.

The individual honors were as close as the team honors. Wieland of Cornell came out first with 11 victories, and Ware of Columbia with 10. Yamura, a Japanese student from the Naval Academy, finished third with 9 victories.
