

Mr. Weld and a party of friends watched the rowing of the crews yesterday afternoon from the launch Veritas. The party consisted of President and Mrs. Eliot, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Storrow, Mr. and Mrs. Sars Anderson, Professor I.N. Hollis, Mr. E. C. Storrow, and W. S. Youngman '95.

Entries from Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, and Chicago have been received for the intercollegiate championship relay races to be held on Franklin Field on April 28. Three of the men who will run, Kraeuzlein of Pennsylvania, Jarvis of Princeton, and Mahoney of Chicago, have records of under 50 seconds for the quarter-mile, and Sony of Columbia, who is also entered, is at present intercollegiate champion for the distance.
