
Track Team Notice

The following men meet at Young's training-table on Bow street at 8 o'clock, Monday, April 23. Every man MUST show up at breakfast: Haigh, Butler, Sprague, Clerk, Applegate, Swan, H. B. Clark, H. S. Knowles, Richardson, Foote, Hallowell, Willis, Rice, Rotch, Ellis, Boal, Brown, Ristine, Shirk, Daly, Prouty, Hoyt, Warren, Bush, Harris, Ledyard, Blakemore.

During the April recess the following men will train on Holmes Field: Ristine, Rotch, Bush, Haigh, Applegate, Hubbard, Winslow, Shirk, Brown, Darling, Clerk, Butler. There will be a rubber at the Gymnasium during the recess between the hours of 11 and 1.

The following men, and any others who are willing, are urged to continue training on Soldiers Field, after the recess. Men will be taken to the training table as they show ability: J. Barnes, Darling, Bernstein, Ferguson, Abercrombie, Lightner, Fish, Hubbard, Draper, Walsh, Fullerton, J. A. Knowles, Glidden, Ware, Webb, Kimball, Barber, Ainsworth, Lock, Sanderson, Mifflin, Robbins, Hewitt, Winslow, Ayer, Adams, F. C. Williams, Murphy, Heath, Lee, C. L. Barnes, J. Foster. [Signed]   A. G. MASON, Manager.
