The University nine defeated Tufts in a close but rather uninteresting game on Soldiers Field yesterday by a score of 5 to 4. In the field both teams showed up remarkably well, but the batting and base-running lacked dash and vigor. Three of the eight hits credited to Harvard were of the scratch order, and twice the side was retired with the bases full. On the other hand the men showed no impatience and generally good judgment in batting. Kernan pitched well except in the sixth and seventh innings when he let down and allowed Tufts five hits and a base on balls. Coolidge played brilliantly at shortstop and made the prettiest play of the game in the seventh inning, when he stopped a hard grounder with one hand and cut off Curran at the plate. He also led the team in batting with a single and a double.
Following is the score: Earned runs--Tufts 3. Two base hits--Coolidge, Wendell, Stiles. Three-base hit--Curran. Stolen bases--Hafford 2, Williams. Double play--Curran to Fleming to Hazelton. Bases on balls -- by Kernan: Hafford, Curran; by Curran: G. C. Clark, Wendell, Jaynes. Hit by pitched ball--by Kernan: Fiske; by Curran: Loughlin 2, Wendell. Struck out--by Kernan: Hafford, Williams, Fiske, Stiles 2, Curran, Lawton 2; by Curran: Loughlin, J. D. Clark, Coolidge, Kernan 2. Time--1 hour, 30 minutes. Umpire--Miah Murray. The University baseball squad will leave the square at four o'clock this afternoon to start on its southern trip. The squad will go direct to Charlottesville, Va., reaching there Friday evening and playing the University of Virginia on Saturday afternoon. The men will return Saturday night to Washington, where they will be joined the next day by Dr. Nichols. The team will remain a week in Washington, where practice will be held daily on the old Washington League Grounds. If the team is in sufficiently good condition a game will he played there on Wednesday afternoon with a picked team from the Baltimore Country Club. The third and last game will be played with Georgetown University at Georgetown, D. C., the following Saturday, April 21. The squad will leave for New York Saturday night and will probably return to Boston, Sunday, April 22. The following 16 men are to be taken: Reid, Kernan, Stillman, Coburn, MacDonald, J. D. Clark, George, Fincke, G. C. Clark, Coolidge, Wendell, Ewer, Jaynes, Christenson, Loughlin, Kendall and Milne. B. H. Hayes '98, J. N. Trainer, Jr., '00, H. H. Murdock '01, McMaster and a professional rubber will accompany the team.
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Intercollegiate Shoot.