

Newell Senior, Junior, Second Sophomore, and Weld Law School Win.

The dual races to pick class crews from the Weld and Newell club crews were rowed yesterday afternoon under very unfavorable conditions. No time was taken. In four of the five races rowed the Newell crews crossed the finish line ahead, the Law School winning the only victory for the Weld. In the case of the Sophomore crews, however, the Weld eight will also be allowed to enter the class races in view of the fact that it was leading when the accident occurred which prevented it from finishing. A break in the linen covering of the bow of the Weld boat allowed the water to enter until the forward compartment was entirely submerged. Mr. Storrow thereupon called out to Bancroft to stop rowing, the crew was taken off by the launch and the shell was towed back to the Union boathouse.

The best race of the day was between the Junior eights, won by the Newell crew with a lead of three feet. The Newell went ahead at the start and drew gradually away until at the bridge it had a lead of a length. Evans then brought the Weld eight along with a number of spurts, and began to cut down the opponents' lead until the two crews were nearly even. On a succession of alternate spurts, the Newell crew won by the small margin given.

The Senior Newell won its race from the Weld by a length of open water. The Newell crew made a very poor start, but once under way drew rapidly ahead, and kept on increasing its lead to the finish.

In the Law School race, the Newell crew was outclassed and had no chance of winning from the start. Two of the men in the Newell eight were sick last week and constant changes in the makeup prevented the crew from getting together.

The race of the second crews was won by the Newell by half a length of open water.


Following are the orders of the class crews and of the winning Law School and second crews:

Newell 1900--Stroke, Harding; 7, Higginson; 6, Fitzgerald; 5, Biddle; 4, Gale; 3, Gray; 2, Byrd; bow, Bolling; cox., Goodridge.

Weld 1900--Stroke, Morrill; 7, Palmer; 6, Tilton; 5, Martin; 4, Holden; 3, Sherburne; 2, Hawes; bow, Ayer; cox., Cole.

Newell 1901 -- Stroke, Gerrish; 7, J. Lawrence; 6, Gilchrist; 5, McConnell; 4, Peyton; 3, Henderson; 2, Cunningham; bow, Hawkins; cox., Howe.

Weld 1901--Stroke, Evans; 7, Brainerd; 6, Wheelwright; 5, Ivins; 4, Gray; 3, DuBois; 2, Locke; bow, Blake; cox., Goodwin.

Newell 1902 -- Stroke, Brownell; 7, Goodell; 6, Bullard; 5, Platt; 4, R. Lawrence; 3, Merritt; 2, Atkinson; bow, Morris; cox., Jackson.

Weld 1902--Stroke, Bancroft; 7, Ladd; 6, Shuebruk; 5, Emory; 4, Colby; 3, Grew; 2, Brooks; bow, Covel; cox., Boothby.

Weld Law School -- Stroke, Snite; 7, DuBois; 6, Bancroft; 5, Wood; 4, Sheperd; 3, Butler; 2, Davis; bow, Morrill; cox., Kelly '03.

Newell 1902 second--Stroke, Low; 7, Connell; 6, Champollion; 5, Gregg; 4, Swift: 3, Ware; 2, Ellis; bow, Letchworth; cox., Cram.
