

Tenth Annual Contest this Evening at New Haven.--Order of Speakers.

The tenth annual Harvard Yale debate will be held this evening at eight o'clock in College Street Hall, New Haven. The question will be: "Resolved, That Porto Rico be included in the customs' boundary of the United States." Yale presented the question and Harvard decided to support the affirmative.

The Harvard team, composed of E. Mayer '00, H. A. Yeomans '00 and W. Morse '00 will give their opening speeches in the order named. In rebuttal the order will be Morse, Yeomans and Mayer.

For Yale, M. Trowbridge '02 will open the debate and will be followed by A. D. Leavitt '00 and F. D. Blanchard Dv. Each speaker will be allowed twelve minutes in his opening speech, and five minutes for rebuttal.

The judges will be: Chief Justice Parker of the New York Court of Appeals, Provost G. W. Pepper of the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Frank Goodnow of Columbia. The name of the presiding officer has not yet been announced.



Wilbur Morse '00 was graduated in 1894 from the Central High School in Philadelphia. The next year he spent at the University of Pennsylvania, and was a prominent member of the Philomathean Society. In the fall of 1895 he entered Harvard and was on the Freshman team which defeated Yale '99. After a year's absence in Philadelphia, Morse joined the the class of 1900. He has since been on three University debating teams, in the Yale debate of 1897, and in the Princeton debates of April and December 1899. For his work in the trials for the debate of last April, Morse won the Coolidge debating prize. He is vice-president of the University Debating Club.

Elias Mayer '00 of Chicago, prepared for College at the Lake View High School in that city. He spent his Freshman year at Dartmouth, winning second prize in the Rollins Prize speaking contest. Last December he was chosen alternate on the team which defeated Princeton, and owing to the illness of H. B. Kirtland '01, Mayer was obliged to take his place on the team at twenty-four hours notice.

Henry Aaron Yeomans '00 prepared at the High School in Spokane, Washington, and was a member of several debating clubs there. Although he has had no experience on a University team, he has been actively interested in College debating. At present he is treasurer of the University Debating Club, and president of the Senior Wranglers. Last fall he was one of six men retained for the final trial of speakers for the Princeton debate. He won the Coolidge debating prize in the trials for this debate.

Murray Seasongood '00, alternate, of Cincinnati, Ohio, prepared at the Wood-ward High School, and also at Edge borough, in Guildford, England. This winter he was on the Senior team that won the debate with the Y. M. C. A. Congress. He was a camp captain of the Senior Wranglers, and in the Class Day election was chosen Ivy Orator.


Below is given a short account of each of the men who will compose the Yale team:

Mason Trowbridge '02 is twenty-two years old. He prepared at the North Division High School in Chicago, Ill. On entering college he took an active part in debating and was president of the Freshman Union. He won the McLaughlin English prize in freshman year and was the Fence orator from the class of 1902. He was one of the last six men retained for trial in the Harvard-Yale debate last year.

Ashley Day Leavitt '00 of Melrose, Mass., is twenty-two years old. He prepared at the Cambridge Latin School. He has been prominent in debating ever since he came to college and was chairman of the Junior Wigwam, president of the Yale Union and one of the framers of the present University Debating Association. He was a member of the team which defeated Princeton in the fall of 1898, and won the Thacher debating prize for the best speech at the trials for that debate. He also won the Thacher prize this year.

Ferdinand Quincy Blanchard of the Divinity School, is twenty-four years of age. He prepared for college at the Newton High School, Newton, Mass., and entered Amherst College with the class of 1898. He was the class poet and one of the Hardy prize speakers at the commencement day exercises. On entering the Divinity School at Yale he took an active part in the Leonard Bacon Club, the debating society of the school, and represented it in the trials for the Harvard-Yale debate last year.

Philip Cory Walcott '00, alternate, whose home is in Rutherford, N. J., is president of the Yale Debating Union. He was a member of the debating team which defeated Princeton in the fall of 1898.
