
Graduate School Catalogue

The Graduate School Catalogue for the years 1873-99 inclusive, which appeared Monday, contains a complete list of all men who have received the degrees of Ph.D., S.D., A.M., and S.M., since the founding of the Graduate School in 1872. In addition to the degree received by each man, his subsequent occupation and present address are given, together with any other facts of interest in his career.

The first catalogue of this kind was issued last spring, but owing to the difficulty of obtaining accurate information about each man, it contained some errors. During the past year, however, letters of inquiry have been sent to all whose names appear in the catalogue, and the present copy is believed to be correct in every particular.

A summary at the end shows that between 1870 and 1899 the degree of Ph.D. has been conferred upon 213 men, that of S.D. upon 200, that of A.M. upon 1054, and that of S.M. (established in December, 1897) upon 11. In all, 1144 different men have received one or more of these degrees, and of this number 1096 are believed to be alive at the present time. It is of interest to note that in this period the Ph.D. has been conferred 77 times for philology, 40 times for natural history, 25 times for history, 24 times for philosophy, 17 times for chemistry, 11 times for political science, 9 times for physics, 8 times for mathematics and 2 for American archaeology and ethnology.
